Trimblender Feed
Project Overview
The scope of work included aboveground pipeline equipment and pipeline design and construction. The Trimblender scope included designing a green field infrastructure which allowed for the injection of condensate and butane into a High Viscosity Dilbit pipeline with associated blending, custody transfer metering and quality control equipment. The Trimblender was designed so that the new infrastructure would target 100% availability and reliability. The main scope of work included:
- The construction of a new Josephburg East Trimblender site.
- The construction of a new Woodland lateral to transport High Viscosity Dilbit to and from the Trimblender site. Tie-in into the existing NPS 36 Woodland pipeline will be complete by Other Party.
- The construction of a new NPS 8 pipeline to transport Low Vapour Pressure condensate to the Trimblender site from the Client manifold.
- The construction of a new NPS 8 pipeline to transport High Vapour Pressure butane to the Trimblender site from the Client Terminal.The Trimblender site and associated pipelines were designed to meet CSA Pipeline Design code.